Greetings, I am a dedicated full-time software developer and technology enthusiast with a strong inclination towards staying abreast of emerging trends in the tech industry. (Currently Exploring AI domain!)
I work as a full-stack developer with strong proficiency in backend technologies like NodeJS and PHP (Laravel, CorePHP, Zend). On the frontend, I'm experienced with React and Vue, with some exposure to Angular as well. My skills also include working with cloud platforms like AWS and GCP, along with expertise in Docker & Jenkins for continuous integration. Additionally, I have prior experience working with a variety of tech stacks, including C++, ASP.NET (C#), and Java.
During my leisure hours, I immerse myself in reading insightful blogs, occasional gaming, and enjoying movies. Additionally, I maintain an interest in cricket...|
I love to write about the thing's that I am exprerimenting or about the topic that interest me. You will often find me posting thing on medium. Some of my article has garnered significant attention, with over 33k views and 13k reads. Here are some of the recent articles I have published.
You can find me on any of the below channels. Let's say "Hi" there!